Here are a few more healthful tips for you...
- Are you just a tad bit cheap like me? I found out you can put your Stampin' Scrub pads on the top rack of your dishwasher. TURN OFF THE HEATED DRY, and run it through a wash cycle. It can even be washed with your dishes. I popped mine in the other night and they are nice, clean, and fluffy.
- Have you ever mounted a stamp and realized after you have stamped with it that it is crooked? Yep-I've done it many times. But 10 seconds in the micowave lets you 'unmount' and 'remount' any sets that may need to be re-positioned or trimmed a little more.
Great tips LaToya.
I had no clue you could put them in the microwave for 10 seconds and reposition them. Thanks for that tip LaToya!
thanks for the tips. i actually just learned about the dishwasher for the scrub pad too. awesome huh?!
Hi LaToya, These are great tips - hmmm would be nice if I owned a dishwasher LOL! TFS
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