As you can see I have also added a little more color and spice. I purchased a blog kit from Shabby Miss Jenn . I found out about this website through reading many posts on SCS. And it didn't cost much at all. It was about $5.50 and there were several templates to choose from. You just download the files and start working. There is also a video tutorial on the website that I used while putting my blog back together again. The one thing that I hate about all this is that I lost soome valuable stamping time this weekend. Especially when I had a swap that was all designed, cut, and ready to be assembled. Well I still have the rest of the day. Talk to you guys later, and hopefully the next post will be card related!!!
Hey LaToya - I love the new template and the colors you have chosen. I was going to change mine to a 3 column page, but think after reading the SCS blogger group #7 forum, I'm just going to stick with what I have now - I did change it a little bit and my daughter designed by banner, so it looks a little better than before :) I hope it will come together soon. Can't wait to hear from you.
hi!! your blog looks great!! love the pink background!! yeah!
Mmmm, I'm leaving mine alone for the time being. Glad you've got it nearly sorted.
blog is looking great!!! sorry about all the extra time. i know how frustrating that is. glad you are back in action. love the bling on your banner!!!
Good on your Latoya for having a play around! It sure can be hard at times to know what the heck your doing! lol
What happen to your 3 colums - did you revert back to 2?
Hey LaToya! The blog is looking good! I am going to look into the headers by Shabby Miss Jenn. I need a header. I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago and am having a ball with it. What fun!
Hi LaToya! I love Shabby Miss Jenn that's where my template is from on my blog. I was actually just thinking about buying a different one to change it up. Just not sure if I can find the time to change all the codes and what not. lol I want to do a blog overhaul as well. So far it looks great though!
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