Or should I say "A Very Quick Side-Track Project". O.K. I am one who gets side-tracked very easily. I can be in the middle of doing something and come across something totally different and I will drop what I am doing and completely start off in another direction. Never-mind I got a pile of the first project I was working on in the middle of the floor. Well that is what happened to me on Wednesday. As I was cleaning my craft room (which by way I should take some pictures of and post them-see told you I go off in different directions-I was just about to leave my computer and get my camera-LOL) O.K. back to the post, as I was cleaning my craft room I was putting some paper away in one of my magazine holders and a rub-on sheet was partially stuck to it. So instead of throwing out the whole image, I carefully cut around it and then did a quick scan of my craft room to see what I could do with this small piece of rub-on. Well on the floor in the "things that need to be put away" I found this picture frame and began rubbing. So for the next 2 minutes I designed...VOILA!!!
...a cute little frame to put a picture of me and my DH in. That is if I can find one. It's probably in the "things that need to be put away" file. Talk to you later...

OMG i love this!! you are so smart!
ooooo, i LOVE that!
adorable...how sweet! *~*
That is too cute...and that is something I would totally do while in the midst of something else.
LaToya! You are so funny! I do the same thing. Short attention span!
Those rub-ons seem perfect for a picture frame! I have the same problem of getting sidetracked easily, though often my tangents aren't nearly as cute or productive as yours.
this is wonderful - it's so easy to get side-tracked when something creative comes along :) I like diversions like that, they are usually tons of fun.
Lovely. It is easy to get sidetracked. I'm the same at the mo. There's an image that I've got all the dp and cardstock out for but ended up doing three other cards instead. lol
I to am one to get sidetracked. MMM I came into the office to work on cards and got sucked into the blog world. If you all didn't do such cute things I could get back to my cards
great idea! i have not used rub-ons on frames. thanks for the inspiration!
hehehe I'm easily distracted, too. But I would say that the result of your distraction was well worth the effort! Very cute and clever - a picture of you and your hubby will look so sweet in this frame. Thanks for sharing!
La Toya, You're too funny! Love the frame, great idea!
Ha! I have to laugh because I too get easily sidetracked. I love what you've done with the frame!
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